Michael Pahl, Director of the Institute

To transcend space and time
is not against human nature,
it just lies beyond accepted knowledge.
Therefore it corresponds to human nature
to expand the limits of knowledge.
Michael Pahl

The Blue Liners Institute was founded in Munich by Michael Pahl in 1993, while he was working as a dental technician and owner of a dental laboratory. Originally it was founded out of graditute for an extensive knowledge Michael Pahl was able to acquire during his consciousness journeys to a overdimensional existence.

Initially the Blue Liners Institute organised and distributed seminars that were supposed to lead the participants to a new way of perception.

As Michael Pahl met several well-known English mediums, as Ursula Roberts, Anita Sounders, Paul Meek and the Mal-Medium J. James, they recognised his sensitive abilities and supported him in becoming a medium. Hence he developed the ability to perceive an aura and to get in contact with spiritual beings.

By working intensely with these dimensions of experience, Michael Pahl achieved considerable knowledge. He was able to advance and to complement research in the field of mind expansion. The method of Holotropic Consciousness Research developed in line with this progression and has its seeds in the Blue Liners Institute, founded by the consciousness researcher Michael Pahl.

According to the traditional Usui Method, that transmits self-healing energy on other humans, Michael Pahl is a Reiki Master of the 3rd Degree.