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Experience reports

Experience reports from participants

As I'm coming out of the cave, the glistening light blinds me. I feel lightness, equanimity and happiness.

At the seminar I learned to deliberately get into contact with spiritual levels and also to intentionally cut this connection, to channel the information overload. So that I am still able to live my normal life. This is an important step for me at the seminar. Through this seminar, my life has changed in a way that I would never have imagined.

For me, listening to the CDs is less about getting contact to a spiritual world, but about this deep relaxation, sometimes giving way to a kind of state of trance, which gives me new power and energy. The more I "practice", the easier it becomes for me to stay calm in this sometimes stressful everyday life and to keep my inner peace.

The tranquility arising during some CDs or at some parts of the CDs, is indescribable. This feeling of easiness and levitation is incredibly pleasant.

About 1 year ago, I "accidentally" came across the homepage of the Blue Liners Institute and I instantly knew: That's right up my alley. From december on, I have listened to the "Underwaterworld" almost every day. I regarded this CD as a bridge between everyday life and leisure time. At the seminar, I realised that my dramas have been necessary. They have helped me to become the person that I am now.

I cried with emotion and happiness. No feeling, no joy that I had felt in my previous life comes close to what I was allowed to experience and to feel on my journey. It was an indescribable experience. I would really like to place my feelings and images inside of you, so that you can feel this delight, too. I am grateful for this gift.

The seminar and the journeys have been most moving – I experienced so much in the context of: I am flying through the vastness of the universe and through the vastness of my inner centre. For the first time I moved within my own body and was also able to leave it.

Since the seminar with Michael Pahl, I can feel the world more intensely and consider it more meaningful. Now I see the pleasures of life and I am flying on cloud number nine. I know there's more to life than I can see. During this seminar, I was able to experience other levels. Sometimes I still can feel them.

They opened new perceptions that I had always been looking for. They unlocked secrets beyond the veil and expanded my mind. On this inner journeys, I experienced deep emotions, divine almightiness embraced me, light and love flowed through my soul. This is only one extract of several journeys. My old ways of thinking slowly faded, new insights into and experiences on inner worlds opened up.
The universe is an independently self-actualising thought that manifests itself reflectingly in matter.
Consciousness journey, 20 January 2003, M.P.


Sebastian, 26

After I had trained as a wholesale merchant in Munich me a few years later it moved to Berlin, where I started my own business in the field of financial services. But more and more I had internal resistance to this occupation, as it became increasingly difficult, my customer to be honest, if I wanted to earn money.

Also, I was more of a loner, to approach people was not really my thing. That I was somehow dissatisfied with my life, certainly noticed my customers - leading more and more into a downward spiral.

About some detours I came to a healer, of whose treatment I initially though not too much promised. So I postponed the date again and again until I finally sat with her in practice.
After I had Birgit, so says her name from my doubts, she recommended me a seminar she had attended himself some time ago.

Without knowing where I should take the money for it, so I phoned in Munich. The seminar was fully booked, I learned then. I was disappointed. Now I had almost decided to - and then.

When I then several days prior to the seminar received the news that another participant was canceled, I still did not know what I should pay for it. By a happy circumstance I still did bring me a credit and thus began in June last year one of the greatest adventures of my life.

The fact that so few could happen, which I had already heard - but that ....
No - so I did not expect in life.

The seminar started on Wednesday morning. Michael made first of all a round of introductions by us then to explain how the seminar would take place. We would be lying down - listen and CDs through headphones. A sofa Seminar? That was only one suspect me. Since I had never been through such a thing still, I could not imagine that that would be right for me. Still, I managed to overcome my doubts and inner defensiveness.

After each CD there was a narrative round. Anyone could report on what he had seen and experienced. Some participants reported soon the fact that they leave the body and about which great trips they had taken.

To me it sounded - I may say so - a little batty. I could not understand that.

We heard CDs per Day 3 to 4. FIG. So I already felt quite demanded. Michael told us that the brain must get used to the frequency music.

The first CDs went unspectacular, I had only a slightly queasy feeling.

First of all, I was very focused on my late paternal grandmother. That had to do with a very emotional experience that I had some time ago on the highway. In the middle of a trip I had to think about it and suddenly flowed abruptly tears: She told me that she would forgive her children.

During the first days of the seminar, I always had the feeling that my grandmother was there. Once I even saw next to my berth a bright figure. Even my neighbor saw it.

But actually that was too much for me. After a conversation with Michael, I asked her to go away.

On Friday evening, as we walked out of the conference room, Gabriele went (a seminar participant) in front of me. We had spoken so far not too much to each other, but now I wish they would turn around and talk to me.
Curiously, the same happened exactly. She turned around and actually spoke to me, if I wanted to go with her in a department store, what we then did.
Later she told me that it was highly unusual, because normally they would prefer to stay after such a seminar for themselves.

She told me that she is able to cleanse the subtle body of a human being - and she offered me to still make the same evening with me.

Of course, I only could imagine a lot to me including once not.
But I was curious at the same time. Because I was quite looking for "something" - even if I could not necessarily name the. Deep in my heart I felt a longing. After life and for love. After a meaning. I could not name it so. But it was ultimately the power that made me take part in the seminar.

I was not satisfied with my life. Professionally, I was unsuccessful, and inwardly full of hate and envy.

What has happened in this purification can not I indeed say but I felt very well afterwards.

The next day we heard the CD "Stargate". As it happened - I got access.

Now new companion, a hawk, Indians, a red light, a blue light came - it was like in the movie.
I could ask all my companions, and suddenly I got answers. It took me a question just to think - that is, even before I had spoken the sentence inwardly to an end, I got the answers.

My companion told me all about "good and evil". They told me the parallel universes. When I asked her to reveal to me all the knowledge that exists on Earth about "dealing with people" as they flooded me with all her wisdom - and since I have access to all information a human being.

Suddenly my little children waving to strangers on the street and talk to me. I found an access to people who was completely foreign to me before.

My companions announced to me already during the seminar that I would have any special skills. Since then I am able to light watching and hellzufühlen. I can see the problems of strangers in a few moments.
I get about my spiritual companion answers to all questions. Whether to live together, the job situation to diseases, to feelings and so on.

I revealed the childhood of a person, where and under what circumstances he had previously lived. I learned on the street the date of death to me completely foreign people. I'm seeing the future of a people capable, as it made them so far.

My brother, I announced the meeting with his current girlfriend. When he told her that they wanted to test me. They asked me if I could tell her something that nobody else knew. I could.

After the seminar, I was unable to work and read nothing. Books have become superfluous for me. If I take a book in his hand and just look it over, then obviously to me the whole contents. The essence.

My life had turned around 360 degrees - and not just once or twice - ten times, twenty times. I feel like a new person. I suppose the world right from scratch.

After the seminar, I had to digest the whole thing only once. I had to and will have to learn to deal with my new skills. It has already helped me Michael.

Meanwhile, I am pulled back to Munich and I'm working again with my old teacher Mr. I've stopped smoking and I do not drink more alcohol. My next goal is to get my financial affairs in order.

I have asked my spiritual companion to give me information only when it is important. So I can stop at the grocery store or even larger crowds me easily. I say this because I am often asked about it.

When I arrive in a foreign country, I ask my guides aim is to show me the right path. I think I'll never run me back somewhere.

I just need to ask for something and I experience it. The exchange with my spiritual friends via the thoughts. Sometimes it happens to me that I speak with someone and break off in mid-sentence, because I think for a moment that the other my thoughts or the answer to his question already "heard" has. This sometimes leads to strange situations.

When I talk to people who want to have a piece of advice from me, then I can empathize for a moment right in it. The results now also be that some people are afraid of me.
Another problem is that my people ask questions, but then can not handle the answers. So I'm learning slowly, no longer anything to say - and not to ask for anything.

Meanwhile, I have learned to deal with the information that accrue to me. I have asked my spiritual friends, I only have to enter information so that I can cope with it.

In the seminar I learned to consciously make contact with the spiritual levels and also to put it back deliberately abort in order to channel the flood of information. So I can live a normal life as normal.
This is an important step in learning seminar for me.

The spiritual world has also given me an assignment: I want to help other people with my new skills.

Currently I do not know where to go for me. But there comes anyway as it comes, I do not ask, but simply live my life.

Several times I've already been asked if what I learn about other people, not burdened me: No. I see that it is part of their lives. Something they have themselves once picked. I can not just accept that. Because it is neither good nor bad.

Based on my experience I would like to make a recommendation: you should be careful with what you wish for. Wishes are like arrows, you must first clamp the bow - and then let go. When we ask for something, then we should do that in a loving way.

Right now my life seems almost a bit boring. I can instantly know everything, what I'm asking. When someone tells me something of what he's up, so I can already see what will be the consequence at the moment.

If someone had told me half a year ago, what will happen to me, I would have laughed at him. I knew nothing of the other reality. I probably would each declared insane, who would have told me such stories.

My life has been changed by this seminar in a way, as I would never have thought it possible.

My recommendation to anyone who wants to attend a seminar once:
Go ye impartially as possible. Let it happen, thinks of nothing. Just be open and curious. If you can, you put in a loving mood.

Sebastian, February 2006

Comment by Michael

Sebastian's grandmother wanted first of all necessarily remain with Sebastian because they wanted to send him some information for his family. However, it was at this moment for Sebastian still too much. I asked her why, she makes it easier for him and withdraws initially.

That Sebastian received this access to the spiritual world in such a short time, is also the fact that he could very well let his thoughts. This is truly the "A" and "O".
Let us imagine a well-traveled main road outside. From a side road another vehicle wants to come. It will have to wait.
This is what happens in our CDs. While on the main road to heavy traffic is - that is, if we deal with a lot of thought, as long as the program can that on the side street waiting for the access, do not start. The best training that can make someone to prepare seminar is to bring such thoughts on breathing techniques.

Sebastian scored by the conference access to Akashic Records. This is of course a very special gift. Something that does not happen every day. But I am firmly convinced that there will be even more participants over time, which are experiencing a similar access to the spiritual world.

Comment by Gabriele
Cleaning involves removing and separating foreign energy in the subtle bodies.


Erfahrungsbericht von Gaby zur CD Druidentor

Der Anfang beginnt mit meinem ganz persönlichen Ritual.
Ich lege mich in einen Steinsarkophag. Kerzen werden aufgestellt, Weihrauch verströmt. Ich werde mit einem goldenen Vlies zugedeckt. Meine geistigen Freunde begleiten mich, es ist alles in Ordnung.
Ich spüre wie sich ein starkes Energiefeld aufbaut. An der Oberfläche der Höhle bildet sich eine Öffnung und ein starker Lichtstrahl strömt in die Höhle. Durch den Weihrauch bildet sich ein Tunnel, mein Bewusstsein steigt mit dem goldenen Vlies nach oben. Ich sehe mich selbst noch körperlich im Sarg liegen, aber Energie steigt aus meinem Körper.
Ich fühle mich als flüssige Materie, eine Art Fluidum. Ich kann jede erdenkliche Form annehmen und mich mit allem verbinden. Ich experimentiere mit allerlei Formen und Gebilden. Selbst Gebäude, Räume alles ist aus diesem Fluidum, alles ist miteinander verbunden in einer Einheit.
Langsam werde ich wieder zurückgeführt in meinen Körper. Symbolisch schiebt sich eine Wolke vor die Sonne und der Tunnel verschwindet. Meine geistigen Freunde holen mich wieder zurück. Als ich aus der Höhle komme blendet mich das gleißende Licht. Ich habe ein Gefühl von Leichtigkeit, Gelassenheit und Glücklichsein.

Erfahrungsbericht von Gaby zur CD Avalon

Ich gehe mit meinen beiden geistigen Freunden in meine Höhle.
Sie fordern mich auf, mich in einen steinernen Sarkophag zu legen. Sie beginnen mit einem Ritual. Einer der Freunde stellt Kerzen im Kreis um den Sarkophag, der andere lässt Weihrauch Im Kreis umherströmen. Ich werde mit einem goldenen Vlies abgedeckt.
Meine geistigen Freunde stellen sich auf: einer ans Fuß- einer ans Kopfende meines Sarkophags. Es bildet sich eine Energiekugel, die mich astral hinaufsteigen lässt. Ich schwebe durch Raum und Zeit und lande auf einem diffusen Planeten. Die Farben dort sind anders als auf der Erde.
Ich gehe durch einen Höhleneingang in eine Art Eishöhle. Überall Kristalle und Eiszapfen. In diesen Kristallen kann ich diffuse Gesichter erkennen. Plötzlich erkenne ich ein Eis-Elfchen, dass mich wahrscheinlich schon die ganze Zeit beobachtet. Es sieht aus wie aus Eis, ganz zart und zerbrechlich, mit Libellenflügelchen. Es ist ganz erstaunt über mich. Ich fühle, dass mich diese Wesen nur als Energie wahrnehmen kann mit einer schützenden Aura. Es kommt noch ein zweites Eis-Elfchen dazu und sie führen mich in einen riesigen Dom aus Eis und Kristallen.
Es ist wie ein Thronsaal, riesige Kristalle, alles funkelt. An den Wänden befinden sich riesige Flöten wie bei einer Orgel. Mit sanften Schlägen lassen Kristallwesen diese Flöten erklingen.
Eine Eisprinzessin kommt mir entgegen, voller Schönheit und Glanz. Alle sind neugierig und wollen mich berühren, aber sie kommen durch meine Aura nicht durch. Sie führen mich weiter in einen anderen, noch schöneren Bereich. Ich stehe oben und blicke nach unten. Treppen führen nach unten zu einem großen unterirdischen See. Am Ufer stehen unzählige vereiste futuristische Segelschiffe. Am Ende der Höhle befindet sich ein weiterer Ausgang.
Im Hintergrund höre ich die Klänge aus den Orgelpfeifen. Wie die Prinzessin zu mir sagt, dürfen diese Klänge in den Höhlen nie verstummen, sie brauchen sie zum Leben.
Dann kam der Leitstrahl, der mich wieder zurückrief. Das Gefühl war überwältigend.
Ein kalter Schauer lief mir über den Rücken und mein Astralkörper brauchte ein ganzes Weilchen um in meinen physischen Körper einzutauchen. Langsam erhob ich mich wieder aus dem Steinsarkophag, ging zusammen mit meinen Freunden aus der Höhle und verabschiedete mich.
Bis zum nächsten Mal.

nach oben

Leitfaden für Berichte

Bitte teilt uns mit, wann Ihr das Seminar besucht habe, und evtl. den Seminarort.
Was hat Euch veranlasst, ein Seminar zu besuchen?
Was ist beim Seminar passiert, was evtl. noch danach?
Was ist Euer Fazit, was könnt Ihr denjenigen sagen, die noch kein Seminar besucht haben?
Falls Ihr lieber telefoniert als schreibt, dann meldet Euch bei uns - wir zeichnen dann Euren Bericht auf und schreiben ihn für Euch (selbstverständlich erst nach Eurer Freigabe).
Vielen Dank!


Hallo Michael,

wie versprochen hier nun endlich mein Erfahrungsbericht.

Viele Grüsse aus Hamburg


von Sven

Seminar vom 21.11. - 25.11.2007 in Bremen

Seit vielen Jahren beschäftige ich mich mit unterschiedlichen Meditationstechniken und den Möglichkeiten durch veränderte Bewusstseinszustände Informationen zur meiner persönlichen Entwicklung zu erhalten. Mich faszinierte schon immer der Gedanke, dass es neben der physischen Welt auch eine nichtphysische Dimension gibt und das es möglich sein sollte mit dieser Kontakt aufzunehmen.
Im laufe der Jahre habe ich viele unterschiedliche Methoden und Techniken ausprobiert um mich zu entwickeln und um tiefe Bewusstseinszustände zu erreichen. Dafür habe ich mir sogar eine Mind-Machine zugelegt. Aber über einen bestimmten Level bin ich nicht hinaus gekommen. Es war, als ob ich bestimmte Türen nicht öffnen konnte. Mir fehlte einfach der Zugang.
Auf einer Messe in Hamburg habe ich dann von der Holotropen -3D-Synchronisation bzw. Holo Sync 3D Musik gehört und mir die CD Unterwasserwelt gekauft, eine von den freiverkäuflichen CDs. Über den Internetlink habe ich mich eingehender informiert und mir noch einen Vortrag von Michael angehört. Das alles zusammen hörte und fühlte sich gut an, sodass ich mich gleich für das nächstmögliche Seminar angemeldet habe.

Mit mir haben noch weitere 6 "Holonauten", wie wir uns nannten, an dem Seminar teilgenommen. Pro Tag haben wir 3 - 4 Bewusstseinsreisen gemacht, wobei sich die Intensität von Reise zu Reise deutlich steigerte. Was ich in den Jahren zuvor nicht erreicht habe ging nun fast wie von selbst. Diese Leichtigkeit hat mich sehr erstaunt, es war als hätte mir jemand etwas unerreichbares geschenkt. Mein Körper glitt ohne das ich mich lange konzentrieren musste in eine sehr tiefe Entspannung und mein Bewusstsein löste sich von meinem Körper um mir Bereiche zu zeigen, die so wunderschön und intensiv sind, dass es mir schwer fällt es mir Worten zu beschreiben. Ich habe fast augenblicklich Antworten erhalten und Erkenntnisse, ganz einfach. Ich habe unendliche Liebe gespürt, die hinter allem steckt.

Mit der Holo Sync 3D Musik habe ich nun ein Werkzeug in die Hand bekommen mit dem ich mich in Ruhe weiter entwickeln kann. Meine Suche ist nun beendet, ich habe gefunden was ich gesucht habe.
Ich mache 2 - 3 Bewusstseinsreisen pro Woche und weiß nun 2 Monate nach dem Seminar es gibt keine Beschränkungen in der eigenen persönlichen Entwicklung. Alles ist möglich und es geht immer weiter.

Ich danke Michael, der etwas Überwältigendes und Schönes erschaffen durfte.

Um das Seminar richtig genießen zu können, musst Du richtig loslassen können und Du darfst keine Angst haben das Dir irgendetwas passiert oder das Du nicht mehr zurückkommst.
Du kannst das so ein bisschen mit dem Fliegen in den Urlaub vergleichen. Du freust Dich auf schöne Urlaubserlebnisse und steigst in ein Flugzeug obwohl Du ein wenig Angst vor dem Fliegen hast. Wenn Du dann so in Deinem Sessel sitzt ist es unmöglich von diesem Platz aus das Flugzeug zu steuern oder darauf Einfluss zu nehmen, so sehr Du es auch versucht. Du kannst nichts machen. Also brauchst Du Vertrauen. Vertrauen in die Crew, dass die alles im Griff hat und in die Technik, dass die richtig funktioniert.
Und wenn Du Dir immer sagst ich lasse los, ich vertraue dann kann die Reise richtig entspannt losgehen.
